OST is an activity who held by PK SMAN 3 Bandung, and every 10th grader can join this event.
My friend, Qori join this activity and the comitee of OST gave an assigment. The assigment is all of OST participant must ask a signature from all of PK SMAN 3 Bandung member.
Qori did it well at the first time, but several signature later she was asking to a strange person, she ask the signature of someone that she never seen before in SMAN 3 Bandung. So she asked that person "Are you the part of PK SMAN 3 Bandung ??" the person said "no,i'm the member of PK SMAN 5 Bandung, any question ?" she said "no, sorry im asked a signature to a wrong person"
from that incident, Qori continue her assigment but now she will make sure that the person that she asked is the part of PK SMAN 3 Bandung.
Well thats all from me. THANKS !.
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